Classic CQR Amulet with Sterling Silver coin-edged bezel
Classic CQR Amulet with Sterling Silver coin-edged bezel
Powered by 1900s style crystal radio technology, this Classic CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio Amulet is set in a Sterling Silver coin-edged, quarter-sized bezel, ready to hang on yourcord or chain.
The Classic is as powerful in its own right as any of the other amulets priced three times higher. Don' t be fooled by the price.
E.J. said, "With a well rounded combination> of attributes, this is a very strong circuit and chosen to be 'the one' to be out there, affordable for anyone who would like to try working with a CQR Beta Blocker amulet on their path."
Here is what Gearoid W. from Cork said about it: "The Classic Amulet blew my socks off - there has been a lot of lucid dreaming and a lot of clarity and freedom. If this is 'only' the classic amulet, it makes me wonder how potent the more expensive ones are."
This Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet is tuned to the Schumann Harmonic, the World-Sound made by radio waves emanating from the stars and the explosive force of the Big Bang at the moment ofCreation. Never needs batteries or recharging, this Quantum Device is powered directly by radio waves from outer space.
E.J. Gold's Beta Blockers use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, paranormal activity, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more.
"I got the Classic Amulets today and gave one to a friend. We both felt the effect within minutes. :-)" -- P.K., Denmark
"The Classic Amulet blew my socks off -- there has been a lot of lucid dreaming and a lot of clarity and freedom. If this is 'only' the classic amulet it makes me wonder how potent the more expensive ones are." -- Gearoid W., County Cork, Ireland
"I never particularly noticed my amulet until it was gone and then I really felt its absence. I had to get a new one immediately." -- Bob T., Grass Valley, CA
"After wearing my beta blocker for a while I noticed that I was feeling like my old self, and to me that meant I was beginning to feel like when I was thirty, which was a fairly long time ago. I lost a lot of the stuff that was weighing me down in recent years. I have given beta blockers to all of my children and all of my close friends. They are a real gift in this time of such great need." -- S.D., Dublin
This thing is really amazing. I have been sleeping so well, so solid. I have never been able to rest well. I am dreaming very vividly and am remembering my dreams. They seem like messages from my subconscious. There are subtle things going on too that I can't really put into words. -- R.K., Nevada City, CA
"The 'Classic' beta blocker that I ordered has changed my dream life completely." -- James B., Santa Cruz, CA