Ghost Hunter Pocket Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™
Ghost Hunter Pocket Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™
Price: $250
Ghost Hunter Pocket Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet makes you sensitive to paranormal activity.
E.J. Gold's Beta Blockers use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, paranormal activity, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more.
"I have been sensitive to spirits since I was about 16, but it creeped me out .... I had thought about going to see a shrink to handle my fears .... I came across the Ghost Hunter Ammy and got it. Even though I am not interested in attracting spirits, it is helping me handle their presences. I am not scared anymore ... I am starting to understand that there is much more to this world than the eye can see or the mind can know." -- R.A., New York City
Because of YOU and my volunteers who help to produce the Crystal Quantum Radio Amulets and Super Beacons, I now have the time to devote to lab experimentation and development.
On the evening of November 11th, 2009, I was given a vision of three different circuits that I was told to build. More info >>>