Astral Projection Made Easy by Brane-Power® Founder E.J. Gold.

Astral Projection Made Easy

The Manual for the Astral Projection Kit

by E.J. Gold

Price: $24.95

Trade paperback.

Astral Projection Made Easy is the manual for the Astral Projection Kit.

E.J. Gold's Lab Notes

After two years of Research & Development toward producing an Astral Projection Device, I had all but given up. What I wanted was essentially a "Bic Pen" of Astral Travel, which meant to me that it worked first time, every time, without fail.

Then the "Big Duh" hit me. Why bloody invent it, when I could simply go to a Parallel World where I had already made one of the things, where it already commonly existed, study it, copy the formulaic structure and electronic circuitry, and make it here in HomeWorld. And that's exactly what I did, last night. I have one at my desk at this writing.

Using the Prometheus Effect, I traveled into a Parallel World where Beta Blockers are part of daily life, and I had already made Astral Projection Beta Blocker Devices. I located, studied and brought back with me an exact duplicate of the device I had made and used in that universe .... more

What People are Saying ...

"The first thing you want to do when you start waking up is to get out of the body." -- E. J. Gold

"E.J. Gold has pierced the secret veil of the inner-dimensional planes." -- Y.G., Montreal

"Thank you for this opportunity. It's working for me." -- B.R.T., Kansas City, KS

"The last time I remember doing that was putting my etheric body in my grandfather's body and I could feel his muscles and I could feel his actions and movements. And I hadn't thought about that in many years, but wearing this headband brought that back and working with E.J. right now, having him guide me through the process of this astral or etheric projection technique, it really brought that back. I could feel the etheric body and I felt it move -- that excites me a lot. The way I intend to work with this is to be able to not only have presence and attention in this body, but in all seven bodies. Hopefully I can be of greater service to him and his work. And maybe even to E.J. and the work itself." -- G.B., Santa Ana, CA

"I like this. I have taken a lot of astral projection -- out of body -- courses and this is the best one. E.J. Gold has made these headbands and it seems to be easier to do this with these on. They are very, very strong. And with these aids, and the amulets, too, it just seems that instead of just imagining it, I can do it." -- B.T., Grass Valley, CA

"I have been after out-of-body experiences for a long time and been to classes. I have come close a few times to leaving my body trying different things and different exercises. But I like this way because it feels as if it is starting at the beginning, and that step by step, it is something that I can do. This is a way that is going to work for me." -- J.T., Grass Valley, CA

"I haven't done any of this before. I heard of astral projection, but I never thought much about what it might be and I certainly never thought about trying it. But I did read The Seven Bodies of Man twenty years ago, and like E.J. said, it's a lot of work. This weekend, listening to him talking about driving the organic body with the etheric body, etcetera, you know, one body to the next, it made sense to me." -- S.D., Dublin

"Well, as soon as I put headband on my head I felt a strong energy surge go through my body, especially in my legs, feet, arms and hands. I got a little light headed (some kind of expansive feeling). When I walked around I really felt my feet on the floor and how my body was moving. I felt bigger. When I looked at the Target Symbol I noticed that I coud really see the Target Symbol in a different way. It came to life and seemed to be looking back at me. The colors were so much more vibrant and the image felt sentient. Then I closed my eyes and and could still see the Target Symbol and almost before I knew it I had performed the exercise successfully. I couldn't believe it. The movement was quick and very smooth. It felt more like a glide than a walk. This is very different from anything I had ever come across before." -- M.F., Montreal

"What happened the second I put this headband on ... it was like, Wow! Everything woke up, everything was there, and I had this permanent smile on my face like this one I have right now." -- RJ, Santa Monica, CA

"I have to say that having had the headband before the rest of the group, I definitely took great notice when they placed them all on. It felt a lot like a link; it was like we became one body, which was fascinating. In a sense, the tools that have been created and provided by E.J. feel like a lightning bolt of great opportunity. Thank you." -- L.S., San Mateo, CA

"When they were doing the projection method, then getting out of their bodies, this feeling that you can feel them, too, when they would come back, it's like you feel it. That's how I felt. I felt them and knew when they would come back .... It feels very free, very light. After I started wearing this headband and just being here, I can feel my senses, before it even hit me sometimes. Before something touches me, I feel it. And very clear, very transparent and light. I am very grateful to have this opportunity. Thank you." -- M.M., Penn Valley, CA

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