Super Amazap Protector Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet

Amazap Protector Amulet

Price: $375

For paranormal protection. Assists in accelerated goal/intent manifestation.

Amazap Protector Beta-Blocker CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet, set in Sterling Silver hand-braided, real rope dollar-sized bezel.

The difference between the Amazap and the Super Protector is that the frequency of of the Amazap goes out from you; it emits. The Super Protector blocks, defends, and protects against what is coming in. Folks here on staff wear both of them. You can think of them like a sword and a shield. The Amazap is the sword and the Super Protector is the shield.

What People are Saying ...

"Thank you thank you thank you. I've been uneasy since moving into our new / old brownstone. Now with my Protector Amulet, it's been a solid week of relaxed, steady ease." -- Veronica E., Detroit, MI

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